Tawa Fry Masala Pomfret-The taste of the SEA

POMFRET is one of the yummilicious fishes in India. It is rich in Calcium, Vitamin B12 and Iodine. Thus good for our nervous system, healthy skin and hair growth. Well, Pomfret is also known as "Butterfish" as it contains some good fats like Omega 3 fatty acids that is vital for cardio vascular health. Having said so, today I will be giving a short and crisp super easy recipe of Tawa fry Pomfret, blended with spices giving a juicy light texture, sweet flavour and delectable taste. For a serving of 2-4 persons: 1. Masala Preparation: 25 grams Corinder leaves, 1 teaspoon ginger paste, 1 teaspoon garlic paste,1 teaspoon Aamchur powder, 3 onions, 3-4 green chillies, 2 teaspoons salt. Blend them in the mixer grinder. Add 50 grams of curd and 7-8 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon turmeric and 1 table spoon garam masala to the masala and set aside. 2. Fish Preparation: 2-4 pomfret fishes (whole). I have cut off the head as it looks a bit clean. Add lemon juice (25 ml), turmeri...