DIY technique-Crafting Ideas!

Hi Peeps! Long time it has been that I am writing something over here.. Was busy with some other ongoing activites. Today I will pen down some DIY (DO IT YOURSELF)stuff that you all can try out if you have become bored like me doing nothing except work or studies, no going out, no visit to restaurants and pubs in the weekend! I have started taking out some rejected items from my house and have been trying to convert them into useful ones. Although a novice but tried something out of nothing!! DIY Coasters: Small triangular/rectangular wooden left outs are easily avaliable at our home that we generally throw away because of no use. Take those wooden parts, colour them using acrylic paints or draw out some small motifs or paint on it and tada! coasters are ready. Hand painted pots: The pots that we buy from market for plants generally start looking a bit old with swamps on it giving pretty awful looks to our garden. Thus painting the pots gives the ornamental plan...